NAATI CCL Marking Criteria
By Nepali Naati Academy
Each dialogue in the NAATI CCL test is scored out of 45 marks, giving a total of 90 marks for the entire test ( two dialogues). To pass, candidates need a minimum overall score of 63 and at least 29 marks in each dialogue.
The marking system follows a deduction-based approach, where candidates start with the full 90 marks, and points are subtracted for errors. The severity of the deduction depends on the impact of the error on the overall communication.
It’s important to review the CCL Test Candidate Instructions, which outline key rules and policies, such as repeating segments, pausing, and self-correcting. Candidates should focus on the following areas:
1. Language Quality: Demonstrating strong proficiency in both English and the Language Other Than English (LOTE).
2. Language Register: Maintaining the appropriate level of formality or tone to match the context of the speaker.
3. Excessive Repeats: Only one segment can be repeated per dialogue without penalty.
Marks are deducted for errors in the following categories:
• Accuracy: Ensuring the message is correctly conveyed without adding, omitting, or distorting information. Repeating more than one segment per dialogue also impacts this score.
• Language Quality: Using proper sentence structure, accurate grammar, natural language use, appropriate formality, and clear pronunciation.
• Delivery Quality: Avoiding long pauses, excessive hesitation, or frequent self-corrections.
Understanding and adhering to these criteria is crucial for success in the test.